Unlock The Conversion Code
Learn the Essential Communication & Business Skills Needed to Leverage Consultations to Grow Your Health Business With This Proven System

Gain FREE Access To This $499 Course During This Special Event. 
Inside you will enjoy the video training course complete with downloads and scripts that has helped thousands of healthpreneurs confidently master authentic communication that converts prospects into paying clients. Learn how consultations can become your greatest marketing, sales and business growth tool to attract, enroll and deliver your products, programs and services with your ideal clients you are here to best support and serve. 


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Grow Your Business With Confidence Leveraging This Proven Consultation System That Converts Prospects Into Paying Clients

Sign Up For This Conversion Code Course- 
$499 Course Being Offered FREE Only For This Event
>>Learn the #1 Essential Shift You MUST Make Now For Your Business To Grow and Scale Successfully Over Time
>>Discover The Secret Marketing Tool For A Steady Stream of New Leads Into Your Business
>> Understand the 5 Part Consultation Framework
>>Learn The Psychology That Drives Any Purchase Decision
>>Gain Access to Proven Scripts That Convert
>>Unlock Your Inner Confidence to Immediately Covert Prospects into Paying Clients

Plus we’ll share our 5 part framework workbook that you can use to follow along and fill in the blanks to you have a proven path to immediate success!

Course Curriculum

Access this Conversion Code Course Now

Conversion Code For Healthpreneurs


  • Discover how to convert prospects to paying client using this proven communication business and marketing system.


Dr. Melissa Petersen