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Precision Longevity Coach Certification
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Course Companion Book
Live Class Relay 3/16
6/17 Welcome Class Replay
7/2 Live Class- Primary Hallmarks
7/16 Replay Stress And Longevity
7/23 Business Builder Bonus Class Replay
7/30 Longevity Science Wrap Up & Consult Hot Seat
8/13 Live Replay Consultation, Intake and Exam Paperwork Explained
8/27 Live Class Replay Marketing Mastery Part 1
8/27 Live Class Replay- Marketing Mastery Part 2
9/24 Live Class Replay - Reverse Age with Lifestyle
10/8/24 Live Class Replay
10/22/24 Live Class Replay
11/19/2024 Live Class Replay Sales
Untitled lesson
Bonus Masterclass- Creating Your 12 Month Program
Intro 1: What to Expect
Intro 2: Links, Dates and Contacts
Intro 3: The State of Health
Intro 4: A New Paradigm
Intro 5: The Longevity System
Intro 6: Opportunities in the Marketplace
Intro 7: A New Clinical Path Forward
Slide Deck: The Longevity Revolution
Intro Quiz
Business Builder: Identifying Your Ideal Longevity Client
Coaching Corner: Understanding the Client Centered Journey
Top Longevity Brands Reviewed
Building Your Longevity Business Blueprint
Ideal Client Brand Building Workbook
Slide Deck Identify Your Ideal Client
Slide Deck Client Centered Journey
Longevity Business Blueprint Guide
Section 1 Objectives
1.1 Aging explained
1.2 Hallmarks of Aging
1.3 Primary Hallmarks
1.4 Antagonistic Hallmarks
1.5 Integrative Hallmarks
Slide Deck: The Mechanisms of Aging
Unit 1 Quiz
2.1 Are Genes Your Destiny?
2.2 Understanding The Exposome
2.3 Epigenetic Expression
2.4 Expression vs Mutation
2.5 The Unified Information Theory of Aging
2.6 Longevity Genes
2.7 The Longevity Matrix- Putting It All Together
Slide Deck- Epigenetics of Longevity
Coaching Corner: Communication for Connection & Change
Business Builder: Know Like and Trust The Psychology of Business Building
Unit 2 Quiz
3.1 Understanding Stress
3.2 Distress and Disruption
3.3 Allostatic Overload
3.4 Biomarkers of Stress
3.5 Longevity Living Health Continuum
3.6 Allostasis Optimization
3.7 The Role of the Vagus Nerve
3.8 The Clinical Roadmap to Optimizing Stress
Slide Deck: Longevity Stress Effect
Coaching Corner: The Science and Art of Questioning
Lesson 3 Quiz
4.1: Complex Systems Biology
4.2: The Impact of Cellular Health on The System
4.3: Review of Biological Systems
4.4: Stacking Systems For Enhanced Outcomes
4.5: Complex Systems Case Review with Dr. Vickery
4.6: Apply Complex Systems Longevity Care
Lesson 4 Slide Deck: Systems Biology
Coaching Corner: Triage Thinking
Lesson 4 Systems Biology Quiz
5.1 Systems Biology of Aging
5.2 Metaflammation
5.3 ANS Dysregulation
5.4 Cortisol, Glucose and The Systemwide Stress Impact w/ Dr. LaValle
5.5 Metaflammation on the Gut
5.6 Systems Wrap Up and Practical Pearls w/ Dr. La Valle
Coaching Corner: The 4 Steps to Upgrading Our Unconscious Default Mode
Business Builder: What Clients Want
LIVE- Replay with James B. LaValle
Lesson 5- Quiz
Section 2 Objectives
Select Your Certification Partner
Understanding the Path to Certification
6.1: Clinical Flow From Prospect to Client
6.2: Clinical Consultation Paperwork and Process
6.3: The 5 Part Consultation Framework
6.4: Prepare and Preframe
6.5: Identify the Answers
6.6: Pinpoint Challenges Communicate Solutions
6.7: Gain Agreement
6.8: Align and Invite
6.9: Client Intake Paperwork Part 1
6.10: Client Assessments Paperwork Part 2
6.11: Consents
6.12: Client Exam Evaluation Paperwork
6.13: Longevity Care Plan and Program Building Framework
Business Builder: 5 Minute Content Creation Strategy
PRACTICAL EXAM 1: The Consultation
7.1: How to Measure Aging
7.2 Functional Biomarkers
7.3 Digital Biomarkers
7.4 Clinical Biomarkers
7.5 Functional Blood Work
7.6 Diagnostic Biomarkers
Functional Lab Reference Guides
Slide Deck Lesson 7
Quiz Lesson 7
8.1: The Role of Wearable Technology in Healthcare
8.2: Partner With Technology
8.3: Educate, Apply and Personalize with Tech
8.4: What Devices Work Best?
8.5: Coaching With Wearables
8.6: Making Sense of the Data
8.7: Costs and Coverage
8.8: The Future with Tech
Lesson 8 Slide Deck
Quiz: Lesson 8
Section 3 Objectives
9.1 How Lifestyle Impacts Longevity
9.2: Aging Accelerators
9.3 The Optimization Equation
9.4: The Lifestyle Vectors of Longevity
10.1:Vitality of the Mind
10.2: The Role of Mindset and Perception on Longevity
10.3: Understanding Brain Health & Function
10.4: Changes in the Brain with Age
10.5: Oxygen, Energy and Blood Flow to the Brain
10.6: Light, Sound & Temperature
10.7 Nutrient Sensing, Molecules and Peptides
10.8 Optimism, Mindfulness & Belief
10.9 Age Reversal Research for Brain Health
10.10: Cognitive Assessments & Plans
Slide Deck Lesson 10
Business Builder: Lead Generation Exercise
Live Class with Dr. Porter Replay
Cognitive Resources
QUIZ: Lesson 10
11.1: Movement for Longevity
11.2 Mobility Changes with Age
11.3 Building Movement Programs
11.4: Fitness Lab: How to Assess Movement Biomarkers
11.5: Fitness Lab: Functional Movements Reviewed
11.6: Fitness Lab: Setting a Longevity Fitness Vision
11.7: Fitness Lab: Heart Rate and Measuring Resilience
11.8: Fitness Lab: Grip Strength Assess and Improve
11.9: Fitness Lab: Lower Body Strength Assess and Improve
11.10: Balance & Stability Assess to Improve
11.11: Fitness Lab: Speed and Agility
Slide Deck Lesson 11
Movement Resources
QUIZ 11: Movement
12.1 Eating for Longevity
12.2 Digestion and Nutrition Basics
12.3 Epinutrients, Environment and Methylation
12.4 Macronutrients, mTOR and Metabolics
12.5 Senolytics, Autophogy and Immune Optimization
12.6 Sirtuins, DNA and Cellular Health
12.7 Fasting, Calorie Restriction and Circadian Clocks
12.8 Bioactives, Sirtfoods and Eating for Longevity
12.9 Client Centered Nutritional Support
Slide Deck Lesson 12
BONUS: Offering Personalized DNA Nutrition
Nutritional Resources
Quiz Lesson 12
13.1: Resilience for Longevity through Rest
13.2: Sleep, and Types of Rest for Recovery
13.3 Allostasis vs Allostatic Overload
13.4: Sleep For Resilience
13.5: Rest, Recovery and Resilience Optimization Interventions
13.6: Resilience through Environmental Design
13.7: Environmental Optimization for Increased Resilience
Slide Deck Lesson 13
Resilience Resources
Lesson 13 Quiz
14.1: Understanding Wellbeing on Longevity
14.2: Lessons from the Bluezones
14.3: Assess and Optimize
Slide Deck Lesson 14
Wellbeing Resources
BONUS: Dr. Martinez Lessons from Centenarians
Quiz Lesson 14
Molecules of Longevity: What, When and Why to Use Them
Foundational Health Supplements
Age Reversal Compounds Part 1
Age Reversal Compounds Part 2
Stem Cells and Senolytics
IV Therapy
Foundational Hormones
BHRT For Women & Men with Dr Vickery
Peptides for Longevity
Clinical Use of Peptides with Dr Vickery
Bioregulators for Longevity with Dr. Melissa & Dr Vickery
Biohacking, Bioenergetics and Harnessing the Biofield for Longevity
Light Technology, Chromophores and Circadian Cycles
Sound Therapy and Frequency Technologies
Hot and Cold Temperature Therapies
Oxygen Therapies with HBOT and Breathwork
Electromagnetic Fields and Technology
Building Your Clinical Longevity Stacks and Tech Interventions
Longevity Biohacking and Technology Slides
Longevity Technology Quiz
Section 6 Objectives
16.1 What is Precision Longevity Coaching?
16.2 Coaching Communication Principles
16.3 ACT Coaching for Change Framework
16.4 The Psychology of Change
16.5 ACT Stages of Coaching
16.6 How Change Occurs
16.7 The Neurology of Change
16.8 The Power of Belief and Identity
16.9 Apply & Adjust for Change
LIVE 3/2 Class
NO QUIZ- Part of Your Practical
Section 7 Objectives
17.1: Building Your Ideal Longevity Business
17.2 How to Know What to Charge
17.3 Making Decisions By Your Numbers
17.4 Understanding Your Ideal Client
17.5 Building the Program They Want
17.6 Consumer Trends and Opportunities
17.7 Fast Start- Taking Action
17.7 Client Flow From Prospect to Client
Live Business Class 3/23
Worksheets and Slide Deck
18.1 The Big Picture
18.2 Identify Your Program Components
18.3 Pricing & Payment
18.4 Delivery of Care Overview
18.5 Mapping Your Program Structure and Delivery
18.6 Program Length
18.7 Putting it all Together
Bonus Live Business Class 3/24
19.1 Metabolic: Blood Sugar, Adrenal, Thyroid, Gut
19.2: Immune: Senolytics, Autoimmune, Modulation
19.3: Cellular energy, autophagy, repair, renewal
19.4: Cognitive
19.5 Age Reversal
19.6 Skin, Eyes, Bone & Hair
19.7: Sexual Health
Protocol Information Guide
Longevity Labs
Functional Blood Chemistry Reports
TruAge Testing
3x4 Genetics DNA Testing & Reports
Dutch Complete Hormone Urine Test
Hormones and BHRT
What to Expect
All Exam Forms
Find A Partner
Practical 1- The Consultation Process
Demo: Consultation Coaching Hotseat
Practical 2: The Assessment and Exam
Demo Review of Assessment and Exam
Practical 3: The Longevity Blueprint Plan
Demo Creating a Plan
Consents to Care
New Client Intake Forms
Exam and Assessment Forms
Progress Notes
The Future of Longevity with Sergey Young
Foundational Longevity Peptide Molecules- Dr. Kent Holtorf
Regenerative Medicine and Movement - Dr. Barreto MD
APOE and the Genes of Longevity- Dr. Schiffer
Mind Medicine and Miracle with Edie Rather
The Longevity Equation with Jason Prall
Auto Immune Resilience with Dr. Kesha
Senolytics with Dr. Cleaver
Foods that Talk to Your DNA Amanda Archibald
The Auto Immune Fix with Dr. Tom O'Bryan
Improving Sleep for Longevity- Dr. Greg Kelly
Aligning with Clarity
Decision Making Matrix
Accessing Flow for Personal & Professional Impact
Leveraging the Power of Fear
Fear to Freedom
Storytelling Framework Masterclass
Attract Your Clients From Stage
Creating a Celebrity Brand for Impact Masterclass
How to Get Media Masterclass- How to Position, Pitch and Authentically Profit from Media
Replay Winter 2/1
Replay Winter 2/15
Winter Replay 2/27
Winter Replay 3/12
Spring 4/23/24
Fall Replay 11/1/22 WK 1-2
Replay 11/15 Week 3-4
Replay 12/13 Week 5-6
Replay Business Bonus 12/15
Precision Longevity Class Replay 1/3/23 Week 7-8
Replay 1/17 Week 9-10
Replay 1/31 Week 11-13
Replay 2/28
Replay 5/31
Replay 6/14
Spring Replay 5/7/24
Replay 6/28
Replay 7/12
Replay 7/20
Replay Bonus 8/4
Replay 8/9
Replay 8/23
Replay 9/6
Replay 9/20
Replay 10/4
Materials, Resources and Replays
Course Companion Book
Live Class Relay 3/16
6/17 Welcome Class Replay
7/2 Live Class- Primary Hallmarks
7/16 Replay Stress And Longevity
7/23 Business Builder Bonus Class Replay
7/30 Longevity Science Wrap Up & Consult Hot Seat
8/13 Live Replay Consultation, Intake and Exam Paperwork Explained
8/27 Live Class Replay Marketing Mastery Part 1
8/27 Live Class Replay- Marketing Mastery Part 2
9/24 Live Class Replay - Reverse Age with Lifestyle
10/8/24 Live Class Replay
10/22/24 Live Class Replay
11/19/2024 Live Class Replay Sales
Untitled lesson
Bonus Masterclass- Creating Your 12 Month Program
Welcome to the Longevity Revolution
Intro 1: What to Expect
Intro 2: Links, Dates and Contacts
Intro 3: The State of Health
Intro 4: A New Paradigm
Intro 5: The Longevity System
Intro 6: Opportunities in the Marketplace
Intro 7: A New Clinical Path Forward
Slide Deck: The Longevity Revolution
Intro Quiz
Foundations of Longevity Business
Business Builder: Identifying Your Ideal Longevity Client
Coaching Corner: Understanding the Client Centered Journey
Top Longevity Brands Reviewed
Building Your Longevity Business Blueprint
Ideal Client Brand Building Workbook
Slide Deck Identify Your Ideal Client
Slide Deck Client Centered Journey
Longevity Business Blueprint Guide
Section 1: Longevity Science Blueprint
Section 1 Objectives
Lesson 1: The Mechanisms of Aging
1.1 Aging explained
1.2 Hallmarks of Aging
1.3 Primary Hallmarks
1.4 Antagonistic Hallmarks
1.5 Integrative Hallmarks
Slide Deck: The Mechanisms of Aging
Unit 1 Quiz
Lesson 2: Epigenetics of Longevity
2.1 Are Genes Your Destiny?
2.2 Understanding The Exposome
2.3 Epigenetic Expression
2.4 Expression vs Mutation
2.5 The Unified Information Theory of Aging
2.6 Longevity Genes
2.7 The Longevity Matrix- Putting It All Together
Slide Deck- Epigenetics of Longevity
Coaching Corner: Communication for Connection & Change
Business Builder: Know Like and Trust The Psychology of Business Building
Unit 2 Quiz
Lesson 3: The Longevity Stress Effect
3.1 Understanding Stress
3.2 Distress and Disruption
3.3 Allostatic Overload
3.4 Biomarkers of Stress
3.5 Longevity Living Health Continuum
3.6 Allostasis Optimization
3.7 The Role of the Vagus Nerve
3.8 The Clinical Roadmap to Optimizing Stress
Slide Deck: Longevity Stress Effect
Coaching Corner: The Science and Art of Questioning
Lesson 3 Quiz
Lesson 4: Systems Biology of Longevity
4.1: Complex Systems Biology
4.2: The Impact of Cellular Health on The System
4.3: Review of Biological Systems
4.4: Stacking Systems For Enhanced Outcomes
4.5: Complex Systems Case Review with Dr. Vickery
4.6: Apply Complex Systems Longevity Care
Lesson 4 Slide Deck: Systems Biology
Coaching Corner: Triage Thinking
Lesson 4 Systems Biology Quiz
Lesson 5: The Clinical Complex of Longevity
5.1 Systems Biology of Aging
5.2 Metaflammation
5.3 ANS Dysregulation
5.4 Cortisol, Glucose and The Systemwide Stress Impact w/ Dr. LaValle
5.5 Metaflammation on the Gut
5.6 Systems Wrap Up and Practical Pearls w/ Dr. La Valle
Coaching Corner: The 4 Steps to Upgrading Our Unconscious Default Mode
Business Builder: What Clients Want
LIVE- Replay with James B. LaValle
Lesson 5- Quiz
Section 2: Longevity Clinical Blueprint
Section 2 Objectives
Select Your Certification Partner
Understanding the Path to Certification
Lesson 6: Clinical Longevity Framework
6.1: Clinical Flow From Prospect to Client
6.2: Clinical Consultation Paperwork and Process
6.3: The 5 Part Consultation Framework
6.4: Prepare and Preframe
6.5: Identify the Answers
6.6: Pinpoint Challenges Communicate Solutions
6.7: Gain Agreement
6.8: Align and Invite
6.9: Client Intake Paperwork Part 1
6.10: Client Assessments Paperwork Part 2
6.11: Consents
6.12: Client Exam Evaluation Paperwork
6.13: Longevity Care Plan and Program Building Framework
Business Builder: 5 Minute Content Creation Strategy
PRACTICAL EXAM 1: The Consultation
Lesson 7: The Biomarkers of Longevity
7.1: How to Measure Aging
7.2 Functional Biomarkers
7.3 Digital Biomarkers
7.4 Clinical Biomarkers
7.5 Functional Blood Work
7.6 Diagnostic Biomarkers
Functional Lab Reference Guides
Slide Deck Lesson 7
Quiz Lesson 7
Lesson 8: Wearable Technology
8.1: The Role of Wearable Technology in Healthcare
8.2: Partner With Technology
8.3: Educate, Apply and Personalize with Tech
8.4: What Devices Work Best?
8.5: Coaching With Wearables
8.6: Making Sense of the Data
8.7: Costs and Coverage
8.8: The Future with Tech
Lesson 8 Slide Deck
Quiz: Lesson 8
Section 3: Longevity Lifestyle Blueprint
Section 3 Objectives
Lesson 9: Bridging Clinical and Lifestyle
9.1 How Lifestyle Impacts Longevity
9.2: Aging Accelerators
9.3 The Optimization Equation
9.4: The Lifestyle Vectors of Longevity
Lesson 10: Longevity Mind and Cognitive Function
10.1:Vitality of the Mind
10.2: The Role of Mindset and Perception on Longevity
10.3: Understanding Brain Health & Function
10.4: Changes in the Brain with Age
10.5: Oxygen, Energy and Blood Flow to the Brain
10.6: Light, Sound & Temperature
10.7 Nutrient Sensing, Molecules and Peptides
10.8 Optimism, Mindfulness & Belief
10.9 Age Reversal Research for Brain Health
10.10: Cognitive Assessments & Plans
Slide Deck Lesson 10
Business Builder: Lead Generation Exercise
Live Class with Dr. Porter Replay
Cognitive Resources
QUIZ: Lesson 10
Lesson 11: Longevity Movement and Fitness
11.1: Movement for Longevity
11.2 Mobility Changes with Age
11.3 Building Movement Programs
11.4: Fitness Lab: How to Assess Movement Biomarkers
11.5: Fitness Lab: Functional Movements Reviewed
11.6: Fitness Lab: Setting a Longevity Fitness Vision
11.7: Fitness Lab: Heart Rate and Measuring Resilience
11.8: Fitness Lab: Grip Strength Assess and Improve
11.9: Fitness Lab: Lower Body Strength Assess and Improve
11.10: Balance & Stability Assess to Improve
11.11: Fitness Lab: Speed and Agility
Slide Deck Lesson 11
Movement Resources
QUIZ 11: Movement
Lesson 12: Longevity Nourishment and Nutrition
12.1 Eating for Longevity
12.2 Digestion and Nutrition Basics
12.3 Epinutrients, Environment and Methylation
12.4 Macronutrients, mTOR and Metabolics
12.5 Senolytics, Autophogy and Immune Optimization
12.6 Sirtuins, DNA and Cellular Health
12.7 Fasting, Calorie Restriction and Circadian Clocks
12.8 Bioactives, Sirtfoods and Eating for Longevity
12.9 Client Centered Nutritional Support
Slide Deck Lesson 12
BONUS: Offering Personalized DNA Nutrition
Nutritional Resources
Quiz Lesson 12
Lesson 13: Sleep, Recovery and Environmental Design
13.1: Resilience for Longevity through Rest
13.2: Sleep, and Types of Rest for Recovery
13.3 Allostasis vs Allostatic Overload
13.4: Sleep For Resilience
13.5: Rest, Recovery and Resilience Optimization Interventions
13.6: Resilience through Environmental Design
13.7: Environmental Optimization for Increased Resilience
Slide Deck Lesson 13
Resilience Resources
Lesson 13 Quiz
Lesson 14: Flourish with Wellbeing
14.1: Understanding Wellbeing on Longevity
14.2: Lessons from the Bluezones
14.3: Assess and Optimize
Slide Deck Lesson 14
Wellbeing Resources
BONUS: Dr. Martinez Lessons from Centenarians
Quiz Lesson 14
Section 4 Longevity Molecule Blueprint
Molecules of Longevity: What, When and Why to Use Them
Supplements & Age Reversal Molecules
Foundational Health Supplements
Age Reversal Compounds Part 1
Age Reversal Compounds Part 2
Stem Cells and Senolytics
IV Therapy
Hormones & BHRT
Foundational Hormones
BHRT For Women & Men with Dr Vickery
Peptides & Bioregulators
Peptides for Longevity
Clinical Use of Peptides with Dr Vickery
Bioregulators for Longevity with Dr. Melissa & Dr Vickery
Section 5: Longevity Technology Blueprint
Biohacking, Bioenergetics and Harnessing the Biofield for Longevity
Light Technology, Chromophores and Circadian Cycles
Sound Therapy and Frequency Technologies
Hot and Cold Temperature Therapies
Oxygen Therapies with HBOT and Breathwork
Electromagnetic Fields and Technology
Building Your Clinical Longevity Stacks and Tech Interventions
Longevity Biohacking and Technology Slides
Longevity Technology Quiz
Section 6: Longevity Coaching Blueprint
Section 6 Objectives
Lesson 17: Coaching, Communication & Change
16.1 What is Precision Longevity Coaching?
16.2 Coaching Communication Principles
16.3 ACT Coaching for Change Framework
16.4 The Psychology of Change
16.5 ACT Stages of Coaching
16.6 How Change Occurs
16.7 The Neurology of Change
16.8 The Power of Belief and Identity
16.9 Apply & Adjust for Change
LIVE 3/2 Class
NO QUIZ- Part of Your Practical
Section 7: Longevity Business Blueprint
Section 7 Objectives
Lesson 18: Creating Your Longevity Business
17.1: Building Your Ideal Longevity Business
17.2 How to Know What to Charge
17.3 Making Decisions By Your Numbers
17.4 Understanding Your Ideal Client
17.5 Building the Program They Want
17.6 Consumer Trends and Opportunities
17.7 Fast Start- Taking Action
17.7 Client Flow From Prospect to Client
Live Business Class 3/23
Worksheets and Slide Deck
Lesson 19: Structure Your Program
18.1 The Big Picture
18.2 Identify Your Program Components
18.3 Pricing & Payment
18.4 Delivery of Care Overview
18.5 Mapping Your Program Structure and Delivery
18.6 Program Length
18.7 Putting it all Together
Bonus Live Business Class 3/24
Lesson 20: Longevity Programs & Protocols
19.1 Metabolic: Blood Sugar, Adrenal, Thyroid, Gut
19.2: Immune: Senolytics, Autoimmune, Modulation
19.3: Cellular energy, autophagy, repair, renewal
19.4: Cognitive
19.5 Age Reversal
19.6 Skin, Eyes, Bone & Hair
19.7: Sexual Health
Protocol Information Guide
Bonus Labs
Longevity Labs
Functional Blood Chemistry Reports
TruAge Testing
3x4 Genetics DNA Testing & Reports
Dutch Complete Hormone Urine Test
Hormones and BHRT
Certification Prep Materials
What to Expect
All Exam Forms
Find A Partner
Practical 1- The Consultation Process
Demo: Consultation Coaching Hotseat
Practical 2: The Assessment and Exam
Demo Review of Assessment and Exam
Practical 3: The Longevity Blueprint Plan
Demo Creating a Plan
Practice Forms
Consents to Care
New Client Intake Forms
Exam and Assessment Forms
Progress Notes
BONUS Longevity Lectures
The Future of Longevity with Sergey Young
Foundational Longevity Peptide Molecules- Dr. Kent Holtorf
Regenerative Medicine and Movement - Dr. Barreto MD
APOE and the Genes of Longevity- Dr. Schiffer
Mind Medicine and Miracle with Edie Rather
The Longevity Equation with Jason Prall
Auto Immune Resilience with Dr. Kesha
Senolytics with Dr. Cleaver
Foods that Talk to Your DNA Amanda Archibald
The Auto Immune Fix with Dr. Tom O'Bryan
Improving Sleep for Longevity- Dr. Greg Kelly
Bonus 1: Business Builder: Personal Clarity for Professional Growth
Aligning with Clarity
Decision Making Matrix
Accessing Flow for Personal & Professional Impact
Leveraging the Power of Fear
Fear to Freedom
Bonus 2: Speaking to Scale Your Business
Storytelling Framework Masterclass
Attract Your Clients From Stage
Bonus 3: The Celebrity Impact Method
Creating a Celebrity Brand for Impact Masterclass
Bonus 4: How to Get Media Exposure
How to Get Media Masterclass- How to Position, Pitch and Authentically Profit from Media
2023 Live Class Replays
Replay Winter 2/1
Replay Winter 2/15
Winter Replay 2/27
Winter Replay 3/12
Spring 4/23/24
Fall Replay 11/1/22 WK 1-2
Replay 11/15 Week 3-4
Replay 12/13 Week 5-6
Replay Business Bonus 12/15
Precision Longevity Class Replay 1/3/23 Week 7-8
Replay 1/17 Week 9-10
Replay 1/31 Week 11-13
Replay 2/28
Replay 5/31
Replay 6/14
Spring Replay 5/7/24
Replay 6/28
Replay 7/12
Replay 7/20
Replay Bonus 8/4
Replay 8/9
Replay 8/23
Replay 9/6
Replay 9/20
Replay 10/4
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